Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016

ITSM Lifecycle

bardan santani / 12114032 / 2ka13

ITSM (Information Technology Service Management, Manajemen Layanan Teknologi Informasi) adalah suatu metode pengelolaan sistem teknologi informasi (TI) yang secara filosofis terpusat pada perspektif konsumen layanan TI terhadap bisnis perusahaan. ITSM merupakan kebalikan dari pendekatan manajemen TI dan interaksi bisnis yang terpusat pada teknologi. Istilah ITSM tidak berasal dari suatu organisasi, pengarang, atau pemasok tertentu dan awal penggunaan frasa inipun tidak jelas kapan dimulainya.
ITSM berfokus pada proses dan karenanya terkait dan memiliki minat yang sama dengan kerangka kerja dan metodologi gerakan perbaikan proses (seperti TQMSix Sigma,Business Process Management, dan CMMI). Disiplin ini tidak memedulikan detail penggunaan produk suatu pemasok tertentu atau detail teknis suatu sistem yang dikelola, melainkan berfokus pada upaya penyediaan kerangka kerja untuk menstrukturkan aktivitas yang terkait dengan TI dan interaksi antara personel teknis TI dengan pengguna teknologi informasi.
ITSM umumnya menangani masalah operasional manajemen teknologi informasi (kadang disebut operations architecturearsitektur operasi) dan bukan pada pengembangan teknologinya sendiri. Contohnya, proses pembuatan perangkat lunak komputer untuk dijual bukanlah fokus dari disiplin ini, melainkan sistem komputer yang digunakan oleh bagian pemasaran dan pengembangan bisnis di perusahaan perangkat lunak-lah yang merupakan fokus perhatiannya. Banyak pula perusahaan non-teknologi, seperti pada industri keuangan, ritel, dan pariwisata, yang memiliki sistem TI yang berperan penting, walaupun tidak terpapar langsung kepada konsumennya.
Sesuai dengan fungsi ini, ITSM sering dianggap sebagai analogi disiplin ERP pada TI, walaupun sejarahnya yang berakar pada operasi TI dapat membatasi penerapannya pada aktivitas utama TI lainnya seperti manajemen portfolio TI dan rekayasa perangkat lunak.


Tahap pendekatan ITSM Lifecycle:

1. Strategy

Tahap Proses ini membantu ITSM profesional lebih memahami produk atau layanan dan bagaimana interface dengan permintaan dan harapan klien. Adalah penting bahwa strategi TI tumbuh dari mendukung dan memperluas keterlibatan bisnis yang diinginkan. strategi IT kreatif yang bekerja untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara produk dan klien juga dapat membantu mendorong bisnis ke arah profitabilitas yang lebih baik.

Dinamika bisnis yang kompleks membutuhkan profesional yang memahami dinamika yang kuat dari strategi pelayanan yang selaras dengan tujuan bisnis. Alat TI yang mereka kembangkan harus responsif dan terukur dan melampaui hanya mengurangi kebutuhan IT segera.

2. Design

Merancang layanan yang cocok IT dengan tujuan yang lebih besar dari strategi bisnis adalah penting agar proyek tetap relevan dan uang tidak terbuang. Menerapkan proses desain yang mencakup membeli dari semua pemangku kepentingan diperlukan kadang-kadang bisa merasa seperti tindakan penyeimbangan.
Pada saat yang sama, sebagai pemimpin tim mulai melihat proyek menggelar secara terorganisir dan responsif, membeli dalam menjadi mengabadikan diri. Jika analisis yang selaras dengan tujuan perusahaan, maka penyesuaian sepanjang jalan akan membantu merampingkan tujuan bisnis dan inovasi ke depan.

3. Transition

Sebagai ITSM profesional terus memantau keberhasilan dan melakukan penyesuaian, hubungan sinergis antara infrastruktur TI dan tujuan bisnis harus makan dari satu sama lain. Sebagai layanan menjadi lebih stabil dan dapat diandalkan, kepuasan klien naik, sebagaimana seharusnya keuntungan, sementara downtime harus menurun.
Infrastruktur dapat terus dilakukan lebih efisien dan efektif sebagai analisis mengungkapkan di mana penyesuaian mungkin diperlukan. Tindakan ini pada gilirannya meningkatkan waktu penyelesaian untuk staf meja layanan sebagai perubahan IT yang terus-menerus dilakukan melalui saluran komunikasi yang terbuka didirikan sebagai bagian dari tahap perencanaan strategi keseluruhan yang kuat.

4. Operation

Setelah proses operasi layanan atau perubahan sedang berlangsung dan pemahaman yang lebih dalam alur kerja organisasi tertentu dipahami, maka permintaan layanan sering dapat secara proaktif ditangani. Konsistensi dan efektivitas mungkin terlihat mudah dari mata yang tak terlatih dari luar, namun itu keterampilan dan bukan keberuntungan yang membuat profesional seorang pemimpin tim yang efektif ITSM sangat dihargai di pasar IT-driven hari ini.
Terlebih Dahulu menangani insiden TI sebelum mereka menjadi tantangan downtime, membutuhkan membangun rencana proyek suara dari awal. Melacak analisis yang menunjukkan masalah firasat berarti membawa keterampilan atas dan pengalaman sukses.

5. Continual Service Improvement.

Profesional ITSM membawa keterampilan IT spesifik dan masalah secara kreatif memecahkan kecerdasan untuk setiap proyek baru. Memahami bahwa organisasi bisnis yang dinamis berarti bahwa dari waktu ke waktu, infrastruktur IT responsif perlu penyesuaian. Menjaga satu langkah di depan pergeseran industri ini tidak mudah tetapi adalah apa yang membuat baik pemimpin TI terpisah dari orang-orang besar.
Sebagai teknologi baru muncul, pendidikan online memberikan atas ITSM profesional kesempatan untuk mempelajari strategi mutakhir dari para pemimpin industri dalam komunitas belajar yang fleksibel. Hari ini, pembelajaran online menawarkan kesempatan untuk bergerak maju dalam tujuan karir mereka sambil tetap bekerja dalam pekerjaan mereka saat ini sibuk profesional.
Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, kebutuhan bagi para profesional terlatih di bidang ITSM telah tumbuh dan mereka dengan keterampilan atas dan pengalaman akan terus mengamankan keunggulan kompetitif. Sedang dipersiapkan untuk salah satu bidang yang paling kompetitif dimulai dengan pengalaman praktis dan pelatihan yang luar biasa.

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Journal Analysis ITSM

bardan santani/12114032/2ka13

Journal Analysis

Companies today have made some progress with the use of Information Technology (IT). Application of IT has helped in various sectors such as finance, human resources, sales and procurement. This of course makes the existing business must compete to deliver more value in their products. Customers today are becoming more observant with the help of IT to select a product. Therefore, new methods are needed that can be used so that existing customers remain loyal or to grow with the company. Quality of care is an important part of a company or organization. Therefore, ITSM (IT Service Management), which refers to the implementation and management of quality information technology services performed by providers of IT through the process, human resources, and IT. ITSM close relation to ITIL (IT Information Library) is a framework developed ITSM British rule. One effective solution is to increase the quality of service (service) to their customers. Some references indicate that the implementation of the Service desk is a good starting point for IT organizations that want to implement ITSM. And IBM as one of the established company is now focusing its resources on areas of service in order to retain their customers. With the method of the ITIL framework, IBM successfully implement and improve their ability to provide the best services to customers.

Journal Analysis
          IT Service Management (ITSM)
The reason the application of service management according to ITIL is to drive organizational IT service provider, which is "to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of IT while improving quality of service to the business in accordance charges provided". Rob Addy stressed that the management of a service should focus on three questions, namely, what we need to do now, what we need to do when something goes wrong, and how to make things run smoothly to the next. That question requires an answer that involves people, processes, and assets in a continuous loop cycle in order to the repair or adjustment to changes.

          IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
ITIL was developed by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) suata bodies under the British government, in collaboration with The IT Service Management Forum (itSMF) and British Standard Institute (BSI). ITIL is a framework of IT service management (IT Service Management - ITSM) which has been adopted as an industry standard software development industry in the world.
ITSM focuses on three (3) main objectives, namely:

1. Aligning IT services with current and future needs of the business and its customers.
2. Improve the quality of IT services.
3. Reducing the long-term costs of management of these services.
ITIL standard focuses on customer service, and did not include the alignment of the company's strategy to IT strategy is developed.

          IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is the documentation of best practice ITSM comprehensive and consistent. ITIL is a very broad framework that describes the overall ITSM in several modules. behind the development of ITIL is the recognition that organizations in general, and service providers in particular, relies heavily on IT to meet organizational goals and business needs of their customer. The dependence of growth led to an increase in demand / need for high-quality IT service.
Advantages & weaknesses ITIL or other ITSM:

          ITIL (Information Techonology Infrastructure Library) is one of the frameworks or framework in the implementation of ITSM (Information Technology Service Management). ITIL provides services for managing IT services. In the implementation of the enterprise ITSM, ITIL has several benefits or advantages, namely:
1. ITIL services that have been proven and used globally
ITIL provides general concepts and terms in a series of integrated best practices are evolving to meet the needs of the market in its cycle in a sustainable manner. Organizations around the world have shown that they can beradptasi ITIL and adjust according to their business needs.

2. Improved customer satisfaction and relationships with companies
ITIL is designed to help everyone to focus their attention on the needs of the customer and user experience rather than overly focusing on technology issues.

3. The quality of service is better
By adopting the concept has been proven, service providers can easily deliver services konsesten premises agreed service levels, efficient and effective. Support team can provide services quickly, reducing downtime and disruption.

4. Optimizing the service delivery across the supply chain
ITIL offers significant opportunities for simplification and stadarisasi across trading partners. ITIL provides a process and models to help service providers to work with their business, customers, users and suppliers to make business decisions about investment opportunities, optimizing aged, risk management, and priorities for improvement. The benefits of implementing best practices of ITIL are:

- Reduced support costs by 30%
- Improve incident response quickly by 20%
- Increasing the value of the portfolio of services with reduced cost and risk.
- Competitive advantage through value creation and agile change

5. By adopting ITIL service lifecycle, organization or company can focus on delivering value to customers can quickly adapt to the changing business and IT.
Benefits include:
- Reduction of cycle time for a project with a change of 30% to 50%
- Increased level of success on changes
- Reducing the risk of unexpected changes
6. Productivity is better for the company
7. Increased quality control
8. The use of the skills and experience of employees with more leverage
9. The use of industry standards for the provision of high quality IT services in accordance with implentasi a small company or a large-scale

Apart from the benefits of implementing ITSM using ITIL concept or framework, ITIL has some disadvantages, namely:
1. The concept of ITIL is comprehensive in nature and use of the LUs can cause considerable cost.
2. Version 3 of ITIL covers the entire lifecycle so it is not easy to understand, with version 2 of ITIL focused on the production and support for the process simpler and thus easier to understand.
3. ITIL books are too expensive and not affordable for non-commercial users.
4. Implementation and credentialing of ITIL requires special training
5. ITIL criticism of some ICT professionals regarding the nature of the subjective and the emotional degradation associated with changes in work practice
6. ITIL is holistic which covers all framework for IT governance
7. ITIL certification fee is too high (Zahid, 2009)

ITSM affects every part of an organization, and is required to support the business objectives, and has similarities with the programs that are already very global ERP both of which require the integration and consistency within an organization or company.
Here are the components that are affected by the ITSM.
1. The process, implement the policy by integrating information, technology and human resources with automated processes.
2. Information, become more standard, distributed and easily accessible.
3. Technology, to integrate and automate tasks and processes that exist.
4. Human resources (people), define roles and responsibilities clearly to make a decision.
          IBM and ITIL
IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) is a multinational company from America, which is engaged in the field of technology and consulting. Seeing the importance of the development and management of information technology services, the IBM launched a range of solutions that can help companies manage service management. IBM Global Services to apply a combination of capabilities, assets, and methods to help ensure we successfully use the capabilities and implementing ITIL best practices in service management program (IBM, 2004).
According to the global IBM service ITSM affects every part of an organization, and is required to support the business objectives, and has similarities with the programs that are already very global ERP both of which require the integration and consistency within an organization or company. Here are the components that are affected by the ITSM.

1. The process, implement the policy by integrating information, technology and human resources with automated processes.
2. Information, become more standard, distributed and easily accessible.
3. Technology, to integrate and automate tasks and processes that exist.
4. Human resources (people), define roles and responsibilities clearly to make a decision.

          According to the ITIL Service Desk
Service Desk It is a function of the IT organization, it could be a subdepartemen or subsections, which became the site of contact or interaction between the user and the IT customer (hereinafter referred to as the business). The main task of the Service Desk at the strategic level of the organization is to improve the quality of IT services and act as a representative or spokesman of IT to the business. While on an operational level, Service Desk serves as Single Point of Contact to provide guidance, advice, and service recovery, if there is disruption to business.


   Based on the above discussion, we can conclude several things:
- ITSM can help in improving the quality of service in the company by enhancing integration with IT
- ITSM is a solution for companies that have been able to provide a good product but want to increase the resale value to the customer or the customer.
- ITSM provides an opportunity for companies to be able to anticipate the needs of customers and presents the best service for our customers.
